Shipping policy

Shipping Policy

At ipeinter, we pride ourselves on creating unique and personalized photo prints for our customers. Our team of skilled designers spend hours carefully crafting each design to ensure that it meets your exact specifications.

Once the design is complete, it takes an additional 2-3 days for the print to be produced and framed. Once the print is ready, it will be shipped to you within 5-7 days.

Please note that during times of high demand, shipping times may be longer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are doing everything in our power to get your order to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We understand that you are excited to receive your customized photo print and we want to assure you that your order is in safe hands. We take great care in packaging and shipping your order to ensure that it arrives to you in perfect condition.

Thank you for choosing MoonAndTheSalt. We appreciate your business and are dedicated to providing you with the best quality and service possible. If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact us.